None dare call it Schizophrenia

Certain sections of the White nationalist (and I need to swallow hard before I say this) community, have engaged in a ritualistic back-patting ceremony over the “humanitarian crisis” currently unfolding across Europe. The right hand is gleefully performing a ‘I told you so,’ drum beat, while the left paw is angrily pounding to the masochistic rhythm of an ‘Ignorant Whites get what they deserve,’ ditty.

When attempting to diagnose the root cause of the White race’s peculiar tendency to overlook profound ethnic difference and the genetic survival of their own kind, two frequently competing prognoses spring to mind. The first is that it is all the fault of the Jews, and the second is, what many learned, consciously-White intellectuals state, is a curious pathological altruism which is by far more developed in us than in our racial competitors.

Setting aside the pseudo-religious and unequivocal blaming of Jews for absolutely all our problems (though, of course, they are a massive, festering thorn in our side), it doesn’t take the reading of too many ethnocentric books, examining the taboo topics of anthropology, psychology, and congenital human behaviour, to determine that the White race, as a whole, is afflicted by a distinctive moral code, an Aryan Morality, that is fatal in a globalised, open border world.

White nationalists tend to be a rebellious bunch. We know this not only because trying to build any sort of a cohesive, mass movement or organisation with conscious-Whites is like herding a boisterous clutter of stray cats, but because we generally have little faith and trust in the authorities, politicians, the press, etc.  We are undoubtedly the new renegades in the new world order.

The White population at large is much more likely to conform to, serve, and tolerate tyranny. No doubt the masses consider themselves as vibrant, unique individuals, but this shallow self expression is confined to the vast social gulag which has been build, governed, and maintained by our infinitely crafty overlords for many, many years. Our less recalcitrant brethren are slaves to their inner nature, to their instinctive compulsion to herd and to their mushy morality. But should this elicit a hostile response from the consummate rebels of the White race?

I do not suppose to know all the answers but I do feel that a gentle prodding of this subject is well overdue. To whit: Are White people who welcome non-White refugees evil?

Of course they’re not! Misguided, undeniably foolish, myopic, and maybe even partially brain-washed, but certainly not intentionally malignant. The trouble comes when the stupidity of the masses is presented back to them—dressed with a neat ribbon and a dusting of patriotic glitter—as the will of the people. We may as well hand a box of matches, an old newspaper, and a bottle of strong gin to a toddler.

The simmering hardliners who proclaim, “Fuck ‘em! They deserve what they get,” and so on, have all but proven to the rest of our slowly growing tribe that they themselves are not team players and will are liable to conceivably disappoint their comrades in some future time and place when their own egocentrism clambers all over what should be a fervent loyalty and devotion to one’s race.

There is little doubt that the masses are of no immediate use to us in their present form (apart from their reproductive capacities), but a single generation can quite easily hit ‘F5’ provided the correct conditions and a suitable motivation. Choleric White nationalists who derive callous pleasures from witnessing their own suffer, no doubt fall into the nauseous demographic that watches violent interracial porn because, “the White bitch gets what she deserves!” These men have fallen into the abyss, to the dark side.

Just because we are politically impotent—at least in the conventional sense—it does not justify us behaving like frustrated, impotent blockheads; cynical, malicious, dull-witted creatures that can neither produce nor destroy. Every gene lost is a gene to weep for; every murdered White girl should strengthen our resolve to build a better world, it should never provoke dark and deviant thrills. Perhaps many Whites will get what they deserve, but it is not for the stewards of our precious genetic inheritance to revel in such things – that is sheer, unadulterated depravity.

We must, and when bearing in mind the long-term survival of our folk, assume that we cannot alter the disastrous trajectory of the majority. In this respect we look towards a better people, a New Tribe, and in accepting this challenge it is imperative that we avoid the dismal, the horrific, and the downright despicable. Instead we must anticipate a time, as Pierce did in his infamous novel, when those seeking to re-enter the gene pool will be handed a sharp object and rudely instructed to bring back the head of a recently deceased fully-grown Negro male.

Extinction is not a pleasant thing. If it has become the stimulus over which some White nationalists feverishly masturbate–figuratively and literally–then by their own hands have they forever been excommunicated.

Get your priorities straight. Sort your lives out. And Long Live the New Tribe!

[Reposted here: Renegade Tribune: None Dare Call it Schizophrenia]

3 thoughts on “None dare call it Schizophrenia

  1. Bill says:

    I never read or listen to the audio book of the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but been pondering lately, is Aryan Morality mentioned anywhere in the book? If not, why not? Or is it a case of publishing a document that White Nationalist can obsess about the changes they are witnessing without working out how the changes have come about, red herring?


  2. ragsmakepaper says:

    A reponse to some comments on the Renegade Tribune site:

    There are two scenarios–or a mixture of both–in relation to Jewish influence:

    1) Either they are a superior people, can outwit us at a whim, and we are well on the way to extinction;
    2) Or there is a character flaw in the White race that the Jews have discovered and are manipulating.

    Personally I feel it is a mixture of the two, as is made clear in the above article. But for the record, I do not believe Jews to be ‘superior’ to Whites, although they do wipe the floor with us in the fields of crypsis, deceit, and tribal instinct.

    Many WNs, including a commentator on this article, must believe that Jews are superhuman or else their global supremacy cannot be explained (after all, they are/were also cast as the masterminds behind almost every major catastrophic event in history; the death of Christ, the fall of Rome, Christianity, Communism, cancerous Capitalism, Liberalism, the international banking system, nearly every war since the Boer War, White Genocide, and so on).

    When it comes to extremely complex situations, I generally am not in the market for a simple Black or White solution – it goes against my better judgement.

    I met Anglin a while back and we had a similar conversation. He basically conceded to my point of view but contended that it was just easier to blame the Jews. While I agree that, as a piece of propaganda, this approach is compelling, it does nothing at all to resolve the problem. It also tends to attract the indolent and the ignorant, rather than those possessing more scientifically motivated minds.

    If ‘The Jews,’ as a subject, does not act as a stepping stone to a greater understanding of our plight, then we have failed to exploit it and are just going round in increasingly concentric circles.

    I think it is true to say that WN Christians believe the Jews to be the epitome of evil and should shoulder the blame for every foul deed or blemish even on our own record. The reason is their historic biblical animosity, the unnatural concept of Good and Evil (which doesn’t exist in nature), and the notion that they–Christian Whites–are perfect beings, crafted by the very hands of their God, and as such cannot be the problem. In some respect I applaud this and feel that any future religious drive should elevate Whites, and Whites alone, to a position of practical godhood – but that is for another time.

    Plenty of grey areas to explore.


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